Saturday, September 17, 2011

Dumb Light


  1. intriguing enough for me to spend 5 minutes trying to type in that retardedly complicated url

  2. I don't know if "dumb" is the best word. Maybe simple would be better? It's less offensive and it doesn't degrade your product at all. "A simple light" vs "A dumb light". "An idea this simple makes you feel dumb". After that, you can continue to play the repetition card a little bit.

    I know it's a comp, but a photo would really sell this too. Showing them an illustration of a glowing liter bottle is one thing, but actually showing them a photo of how simple using one as a light source is could really help drive your message home.

  3. The site doesn't explain how the light works and why a bottle is involved. Now this ad makes me feel frustrated and angry
